Free Hex to RGB Color Converter
Enter 6 digits hex color code and press the Convert button:
What is RGB and HEX Value?
There are two ways to show colours in digital media: RGB and HEX.
1. RGB is an additive colour model used in digital photography and computer images. It stands for "Red, Green, Blue." This model shows each colour as a mix of red, green, and blue light. Different amounts of red, green, and blue light are combined to make a full spectrum of colours. Each colour channel has a number between 0 and 255. At 0, the colour is not there at all; at 255, it is at its strongest. So, the amount of red, green, and blue needed to make a certain colour can be shown by a set of three numbers, each of which can be between 0 and 255.
2. On the other hand, HEX stands for "Hexadecimal," a six-digit code used to describe colours in HTML, CSS, and other digital media. It is also based on the RGB colour model, but instead of decimal numbers, it uses a base-16 system to describe each colour channel. Each pair of digits indicates the amount of red, green, and blue needed to make the colour, with each pair ranging from 00 to FF (or 0 to 255 in decimal).

What is a HEX to RGB converter?
A HEX to RGB converter is a tool or program that turns a hexadecimal colour code into its matching RGB values. If you have a HEX colour code and want to use it in a program or app that needs RGB numbers, this conversion can help.
To convert, you must break the six-digit HEX code into three sets of two numbers representing the red, green, and blue channels. Then, each pair is changed from hexadecimal to decimal. This gives three numbers that show how much red, green, and blue are in colour.
For example, if you have the HEX code #FFA500, which stands for orange, the conversion would break it down into FF, which stands for red; A5, which stands for green; and 00, which stands for blue. If you turned each pair into a number, the values for red, green, and blue would be 255 (red), 165 (green), and 0 (blue).
Much online HEX to RGB converters can do this conversion for you instantly, saving you time and effort.
How does the HEX to RGB converter work?
A HEX to RGB converter takes a hexadecimal colour code and turns it into its matching RGB values. Here are the main steps a HEX to RGB conversion goes through:
1. Parse the hexadecimal colour code: The converter reads the six-digit hexadecimal code and splits it into three sets of two numbers representing the red, green, and blue channels.
2. Change each pair of hexadecimal digits to decimal numbers: The converter does this for each pair of hexadecimal digits. To do this, increase the first number by 16 and add the second number. For example, the hexadecimal value "A5" could be changed to the decimal value "165" by increasing the first digit "A," which is the decimal number 10, by 16, and then adding that number to the second digit "5", which is the decimal number 5.
3. Output the RGB values: The conversion outputs the decimal values for the red, green, and blue colour channels in the format "RGB(x, y, z)," where x, y, and z are the decimal values for the red, green, and blue channels, respectively.
For example, if the input is the HEX code "#FFA500," which stands for the colour orange, the conversion would break it down into the pairs "FF," "A5", and "00," which stand for the colours red, green, and blue, respectively. Then, it would turn each pair of numbers into decimal values, giving the RGB values "255, 165, 0."
There is a lot of online HEX to RGB converters that use this method to change colours instantly.
Hex to RGB color table